07 Aug

How to Prevent Automatic Sliding Door Accidents

Automatic sliding door is created to give the best service to people. These are the upgraded version of doors that users don't need any more to use the knob in accessing the door. It contains a high technology system that serves as the medium for the door to function properly. This type of door is commonly used in homes and businesses. Having this can help in saving energy since every time a person enters or exit it closes automatically to keep the warm temperature inside. Using this is an advantage with the benefit that it can bring to everyone.

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The automatic sliding door is a user friendly door that can suit anyone. These are advisable to be used by children and elderly people. It can also benefit the handicap person so they won't feel being discriminated. Using this door it provides a much easier access when entering a certain place. It has a motion detector that can detect whether there is someone going to enter or to exit. Then the signal will be brought to the main system that causes for the door to move. Included in this are safety precautions that must be followed to avoid having accidents.
On how to prevent automatic sliding door accidents manufacturers also take into account what they can to as a safety measure. Following the proper design in installing these doors can lessen the risk of accidents that might happen in the future. Considering the standard measurement before installing the door is an important factor. The gap between the sliding doors should have a size of 20mm or more. This is the appropriate size so fingers won't get stuck to the door. Choosing the right frame for the mortorized sliding door can help to give more safety to users.

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The sensor of the door must be adjusted where a person will be allowed to enter or to exit in just a normal walking pace. The closing speed of the door must be slow and right on time so no one will get hurt. Adding some safety beams above the door is another option that can be used for safety purposes. This type of door is also approved to be safe during fire. It is an important rule that these are functional during emergency situations. By following the said precautions people can stay away from any untoward incident that might happen.
Having the automatic sliding door out in the market can be good option that is perfect for homes and any establishment. Upon purchasing this it is important that the customer understands its functions and what needs to done for the door to give a longer service. Automatic doors require maintenance at least every after six month to maintain the good service it brings to people. The authorized persons who can do this are the experts. They are the ones that are knowledgeable and skilled to perform this type of action. It is better to seek help from professionals to prevent any further damage on the door since it contains sensitive parts. With the right prevention there will be no more worries on automatic sliding door accidents.

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