05 Aug

How to Maintain the Automatic Sliding Glass Door

An automatic sliding glass door is primarily used in offices and other facilities that accommodate a group of people every day. A sliding door is installed at the main entrances and in the lobby to provide easy access for people who will enter these facilities. This kind of door also creates a sealed tight airlock that is perfect for hospitals and other establishments to allow clean and fresh air to circulate inside. The development of this automatic door provided different establishment with hands free door that will open and close without touching it.
Hands free door also gives protection to people who use public or private doors every day. It is said that doors and door handles are one of the areas where bacteria and germs are often accumulated. Maintaining automatic sliding glass door is another thing, this must be done by an expert technician that specializes in the proper care and maintenance of sliding doors.

sliding door 06
Maintaining this type of doors can be difficult and the process must be done by those people who have years of experience in this area. A qualified maintenance engineer will be the only person who can fix and maintain a sliding door. Before the maintenance process begins, the check list of the automatic sliding door must be brought on the site. This will serve as evidence that the automatic sliding door will be checked and the safety devices must be placed to provide early warning to people who will pass over the area.
The recommended number of times of maintaining an automatic sliding glass door is twice every year or it can be every six months. A qualified engineer will check the entire sliding door by following the recommended manual that is provided by the manufacturer. The maintenance of the sliding door on its first year must include all orders and quotes for a newly installed automatic door.

maintenance of automatci doors

It is important to follow the strict rules regarding proper checking and maintenance of the door. A qualified engineer will do weekly inspections which includes the following:
• Checking whether the door is activated from a precise range of 1400mm
• Inspection of all safety devices. These must be working correctly to ensure that the sliding door leaf will come in contact with those people who use the sliding door
• Ensuring that there are no obstacles in the area that may cause traffic and congestion
• Checking the door for any types of slipping and tripping objects that can cause accidents
• Checking the door panels for cracks and broken glass
• The automatic sliding door must have appropriate signs displayed which is recommended for all viewing heights
• Checking the screens and barriers. These must be positioned correctly
• All doors must be activated by the fire alarm system while assuring that the fire mode is operating correctly
• A log book must be kept on the site and must be used in recording the weekly checks of the sliding door
If the inspection team finds a fault that will affect the operation of the door, it must be switched off immediately for safety. The doors must be checked every six months by a qualified technician to ensure that all safety and gate automation devices are working properly.

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