01 Aug

How To Design the Most Reasonable Passage Width of Automatic Doors?

Automatic doors are among the most commonly used type of doors in various places, including businesses, grocery stores, airports, transportation stations, and wholesale department stores. It removes the need for manual opening and closing actions.      

How automatic doors are designed 

The design of automatic doors is based on intention analysis and human detection. The first part comes with contour or face detection, which determines if the detected object is a person. 

As the door closes, it will close all the way through with no objects detected in its way on either side of the automatic door. 

What is the most reasonable passage width for automatic doors? 

The most reasonable passage width for automatic doors should be a minimum of 32 inches. The clear width can be measured between the door’s face and the opposite stop. It is the standard passage width for an automatic door. 

It is also the ideal width for wheelchairs in passing through automatic doors. The passage width can be accessible for everyone. 

How to design the right passage width of automatic doors 

In designing the most reasonable passage width of automatic doors, you should consider the following factors:

Clear width 

Make sure that the automatic door comes with at least 32 inches of clear width. It is safe and accessible to everyone. 


Maintain a ½ inch or less threshold. But, 3/4 inch is also ideal for doors with beveled sides and 1:2 or less slope. If the thresholds are higher than 1/4 inch, it should be beveled at 1:2 slop maximum.


The hardware for an automatic door should not have over 5 Ibs force for its operation. In addition, it should function with one hand, without tight pinching, grasping, or twisting your wrist. 

Maneuvering space 

Automatic doors should have specific space around them, so people using a wheelchair and other mobility devices can reach the door hardware or the door. It also allows people to approach the door, close the door behind and move through the doorway. You can also open the door as you remain outside the door. 

Keep in mind that needed space can depend on the door type and direction of approach. 

Door swings away - maneuver clearance by pushing the door’s face closer, and the minimum latch is about 12 inches. 

Door swings toward - maneuver clearance at the door to pull a face if it has a minimum of 18 inches.

Closing speed 

Doors that quickly close can be dangerous for users, especially those with disabilities. So, you should consider the following when designing a reasonable passage width of your automatic door. 

Doors with spring hinges must close at 1.5 seconds minimum from their 70 degrees open position.

Doors with closers need about 5 seconds to maneuver from the open position of 90 degrees to 12 degrees from their latch.

The closing time for an automatic door can differ based on the door type ( sliding, swinging, or folding). 


The automatic door should not be over 5 Ibs of force to open. The standard maximum opening force for exterior doors is 8.5 to 10 Ibs. If the doors are designed as fire doors, they should adhere to the minimum opening force required by your respective local authority. 

Smooth door surfaces 

Canes, wheelchairs, as well as additional mobility devices, may snag on door surfaces’ projections. The smooth surface needs to extend the door’s full width. 


Generally, automatic doors are among the top types of doors you can see in different establishments. You must consider the above-mentioned tips to design the most reasonable passage width of automatic doors. 

Read 391 times Last modified on Monday, 01 August 2022 08:18

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